If You Could is the place to find jobs in the creative industry.

If You Could Jobs is a quick and easy way to browse hundreds of roles across the creative industries. Whether you’re just starting out or planning your next move, you’ll find new opportunities added daily.

In our Journal, we explore the current topics and conversations around the creative working world. We ask the crucial questions on behalf of job hunters and the job-curious, and gather insights and advice from across the industry.

For companies, we offer a range of options to promote your jobs. As the jobs board from It’s Nice That, we have a huge, international, creative audience with the skills and experience you’re looking for.

We are also the sister company of Creative Lives in Progress, an inclusive creative careers resource, on a mission to transform the way emerging talent access, understand and connect with the industry.

Responsible Employers

All roles, including internships, posted on If You Could must pay national minimum wage (because of course they should). To find out the UK rates visit. gov.uk.

Recruitment Agencies

We are happy for recruitment companies to offer their roles on our board either as individual posts, or by becoming a featured company. To find out more about featured companies, see the pricing page.

Get in Touch

We’re always looking for new ways to help companies find creatives, so if you have a suggestion for something that would work for you, we’d love to hear it!

Email hello@ifyoucouldjobs.com or phone 0207-749-9912.

Our Total Reach

Our total reach number accounts for our total social media presence across Instagram, Linkedin and our newsletters plus the number of monthly active users on our site.

How are related jobs selected under job listings?

Related jobs are premium job listings that use a formula that takes into account the similarities in location, job role and level.

We tried If You Could Jobs for the first time recently and were amazed by the volume and quality of applicants. We had over 140 people applicants of craft and originality.
Mélanie Hubert-Crozet, Creative Director at Monopo London