14-18 Emerald Street
London WC1N 3QA
United Kingdom
6 – 10 people
Year founded
Recruiters are only as good as their last conversation. So, we’re here to be the best conversationalists in the industry. To make every one of our conversations count. Because one conversation has the power to change everything. And every conversation is worth having. That’s why we’ll listen hard and listen good. Ask what you want and what you need; make you feel heard and understood. We’ll learn not what you are but who you are, and where you want to be. Share our knowledge, give advice and use all our years of expertise. We’ll build relationships, build trust. Remember you. And make sure you remember us. Because we’re people first, it’s who we are. And conversation’s in everything we do. It’s how we find the right people and the right roles. Where we ask questions that avoid square pegs in round holes. It’s how businesses grow. How careers change. How important issues are raised. How we switch perspectives. Keep things fresh. Make sure the industry never stays the same. This, in short, is our pledge to you. Our way of saying we know we’ve got lots of listening to do. We’re a boutique agency with a mighty big aim: Improving the industry, one conversation at a time.
Current Jobs
- Location
- London
- Contract Type
- Full Time
- Salary
- £50,000 – £60,000
- Applications Close
- Location
- London
- Contract Type
- Full Time
- Salary
- £45,000 – £60,000
- Applications Close
- Location
- Remote, London
- Contract Type
- Full Time
- Salary
- £50,000 – £54,000
- Applications Close
- Location
- Remote, London
- Contract Type
- Fixed Term, Full Time
- Salary
- £38,000 – £42,000
- Applications Close
- Location
- Remote, London
- Contract Type
- Full Time
- Salary
- £45,000 – £50,000
- Applications Close